
Hi I'm Nesha A 30 years old entrepreneur originally from Lubbock texas moved to fort worth at the age of 15 . I have been doing hair since I was 12 years old braiding hair on my mother's porch. It has been a passion for me since then I decided to pursue my dream as being a cosmetologist when I was 18 graduated in 2009 while in school God blessed me with my first born Jeremiah Ellis but that did not stop I kept pushing as single mother I had to go out there and give it all I got. 2010 I was able to work at a salon called New Vision where Warren Bailey taught. Me about hair everything I needed to know about hustle and strive and being consistent. In 2012 I took a break because god blessed me with my baby girl Serenity.It was very hard time for me also I had just ended a abusive relationship and was going through a hard depression . God is a healer and he will let you see the light in every situation . Now I own God's Chosen Hands also know as the FEARLESS GANG collection . My goal is to help women be fearless in beauty and live life to there fullest potential. I. Also have over 11,000 views on My YouTube channel called The Fearless Gang . My motto is "The FEARFUL fear the FEARLESS" I felt like fear was holding me back from where God wanted to take me so now I scream that I am fearless and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens my goal is by the time I'm 32 I will be a millionaire and also find the cure to alopecia.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7